
Welcome to JP Inspections online.  Based in Dudley we provide a number of quality services to all our customers.  These include:

Air Receivers

Periodicity of examination. Thorough examination every 24 months and a working examination every 12 months. A written scheme of examination is to be in force since July 1st 1994 (See Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000). A typical garage compressor and receiver is classed as a "medium sized compressed air system".

Engine Cranes or Hoists

Periodicity of examination. Thorough examination every 14 months. These are normally hydraulically operated and capable of the lifting arm being extended to three or four positions, each with its certified safe working load.

Vehicle Lifting Platforms

The lifting platforms are various in designs and can be 4 post, 3 post, 2 post and even single post. The operation is usually by a hydraulic cylinder attached to as many wire ropes as there are lifting positions through a series of pulleys. It is important that all parts of the ropes are examined at each inspection and all ropes to be renewed after an interval of 6 years, whether or not the condition warrants it. This was a requirement of AU 199 which was totally ignored in BS 1439 but we think it is a sensible precaution. No rope may be changed singly except where damage is caused in the initial erection or subsequent renewal time.

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